Surgical Services

Our veterinarians uphold the highest standards of care for all surgical procedures. Our team places the utmost importance on pain management, ensuring that your pet is safe and comfortable during their stay.
Our veterinarians will thoroughly examine your pet, and they will discuss a treatment plan with you that suits you and your pet. A trained veterinary technician is present during the surgical and recovery process for visual monitoring and recording of vital signs such as respiratory rate, heart rate, and temperature.
The majority of our surgeries require general anesthesia, ensuring that your pet will be asleep and pain-free. This reduces patient stress and leads to faster recovery. There are risks associated with general anesthesia. To lower these risks we highly recommend, and in some cases require, blood work which allows us to determine if there are any underlying health issues. We place IV catheters and administer supportive fluids as needed.
Please feel free to ask us about our patient monitoring protocol or any other concerns you might have about your pet’s procedure. We want to make you and your pet as comfortable as possible.
With a few exceptions, surgeries will be followed by a laser treatment to aid in decreasing inflammation and speed up recovery. You can read more about these treatments in Laser Therapy under the Services menu.

Your pet will be under general anesthesia and the uterus and ovaries are removed.
This procedure prevents female animals from reproducing…

Your pet will be under general anesthesia and the testicles are removed.
This procedure prevents male animals from reproducing…

Lump Removal
Lump Removal surgery is the removal of lumps on your pet’s body. A lump which needs surgically removed can be a simple collection of fat (lipoma) in an area that has caused discomfort…

Soft Tissue Surgery
In addition to lump removals, soft tissue surgery includes numerous other procedures such as laceration repairs, ear hematomas, corrective anatomic surgery, ophthalmic procedures…

We perform many types of orthopedic surgeries. Leg fractures are the most common. Since most orthopedic issues arise from trauma or an accident, all orthopedic procedures need a thorough…